Apart from this website, we run a members' Chat Group, which can be accessed online or via email. This allows them to share their experiences, and ask and answer questions about their boats and boating.
We provide information on slipways, and the location of fuel stations and gas stockists near the canal.
Members that tow their boats, or have someone to move them, meet up at least once a year at the National Trailboat Festival.
We organise a biennial club cruise.
And we try to support restoration groups by, when appropriate, bringing a few of our boats to locally organised open days, and other events.
When necessary and appropriate we will lobby organisations such as the Canal and River Trust, the Boat Safety Scheme, and companies such as Calor Gas, to highlight and resolve issues that are important to our members.
Sometimes we do this by ourselves, but often work with other boating organisations, especially the Association of Waterway Cruising Clubs, to whom we are affiliated.